Thalassemia Adoption Clinic

The Center provides active support for families considering international adoption of children with thalassemia major, and hosts an annual comprehensive clinic in Oakland for recently adopted children. Families who have adopted a child with thalassemia come to our center for an annual comprehensive visit and consultation with our medical team. We have seen families from several states, some traveling as far away as Oklahoma. Patients and families meet over two days in our clinic with thalassemia specialists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, and licensed clinical social workers.

In the evenings, families attend a dinner and talk, and there is entertainment for the children. For example, children participated in a program by Dancin Power, a non-profit organization that teaches interactive dance classes to patients facing chronic and life-threatening illnesses.

Parents listen to speakers discussing topics related to thalassemia such as fertility, nutrition and supplements, endocrine Issues and gene therapy. Afterwards, speakers present talks during dinner and are part of a panel for an informal question-and-answer session. Speakers who presented at the Dinner Talks have included Dr. Mark Walters, Dr. Titi Singer, Dr. Ash Lal, Dr. Elliott Vichinsky, Dr. Tariq Ahmad, and Ellen Fung, PhD.